Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Faith, Fear, Reflection, and Growth

Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. – William Newton Clark

I sit and reflect often, sometimes too often. I have fear, and I sometimes lack faith. I lack faith in my abilities be it physical or cognitive. I have to be honest, I think it is the fear of success more than of failure that holds me back at times. If I am successful, how can I do something next time to improve or set the bar higher for myself. I do fear failure, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

I watched The Bucket List last night and they discussed faith. And as discussed in the movie, everyone has had a discussion on faith hundreds of times in their lives. Neither party walks away from those discussions convincing the other member of the conversation that they are 100% right in their belief.

Faith in my opinion can be the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you will fail, you probably will. If you believe that you will achieve success, you most likely will. It is hard to find courage in such an unstable world. But on any given day, if you are observant, you will find it. Be it from a child having faith in a parent to provide the comfort and love they need. Be it from a conversation from your mother saying that she misses hanging out with you and just laughing about nothing in particular. Seeing a group of co-workers putting aside the job for a few minutes and just enjoying each other's company as human-beings, knowing there is a deeper connection than just the job.

I think the lead in quote to this entry makes a lot of sense. The only thought that I can add is that the soul is boundless. I think it is making the mind go farther than it can see, and the body bringing the soul along on the journey is what life is about. Faith can be shaken, but it can always be restored.

Face your fear and question your faith. You will learn from doing both. Reflect on both and you will grow. Welcome the journey we call life.

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