The last two weeks have been filled with all sorts of strange and rewarding experiences. Training continues with small and large successes. Work is stressful and yet rewarding. Parenting is always a duplicitous experience. I've had several ideas on blogging, but just plain ran out of time to get it done. For that I apologize to those who read this on a regular basis.
I have to tell you all that I am finding abilities that I thought I had lost. Running, has become something I am enjoying. What? It hurts like hades, but I am actually enjoying it. I think I surprise myself and everyone around me when I run. The shock for them might be their first experience on the Richter scale. 300 pounds running next to you has got to shake the earth your treading upon. I have a kick at the end that is pretty impressive even if I say so myself. I can run about five miles and still will have a burst at the end that is not really understandable. Maybe the motivation comes from just wanting to get it over with. Maybe some of my kick comes from an ability to relate to my youth and anaerobic exercise. Goal tending and line play in football is all anaerobic in nature. It is small explosive bursts of energy without oxygen to get the goal accomplished. I'll wrap up on this topic telling you that I ran a mile on Saturday in under 10 minutes. We jogged up from the monument by St. Thomas to the track. We ran one lap on the track at 100% (I ran about 90 - 95%, the muscles were not warm enough yet). We ran two laps at 90% ( I was in the ballpark on this one). We then ran three laps at 85% (again on track with this). Then we were supposed to run a mile, ( four laps) at 100%. I wanted to beat a 10 minute mile, and I did at nine minutes and 49 seconds.
After doing the above when someone told me that was inspirational, I responded that it should not be. No one was more shocked that it was possible than me. I did not mean to disrespect the persons comment, but I am not comfortable with being an inspiration to anyone. I know what a small person I am on the inside that it is hard to accept that type of compliment. I have to work on being more accepting of something like that.
I worked out with a co-worker, I tried to help her with some swim pointers. I am by far no expert in this area, but I have learned a couple of things over the last seven months. I did not plan on doing more than a swim and a spin, but when we were done with those activities after about 70 minutes, they asked me to run. I figured I could probably go for a mile jog. We enjoyed chatting and jogging at a 4.7 to 5.2 mile pace. We were finishing up when she asked if I wanted to sprint the last tenth of a mile. I said sure and took off. I finished up my tenth at a dead run, and waited for her to catch up. She asked me where the hell I went. We had a good laugh about it, and she stated she had never seen anything like that, there was no hesitation, I was just gone.
I continue to grow through this experience. I continue to enjoy working out. I continue to think this organization is outstanding. I'm not getting any smaller, but I am definitely getting stronger. The surprises just keep growing.
11 years ago