Thursday, February 25, 2010

TNT 2010 Season Update 1

I am excited to be back on the bike, (even if it is only stationary). I am so looking forward to getting outside, but I am a realist in the fact that March is the snowiest month here in Minnesota. Spin sessions are underway and we even threw in a core work out on Tuesday, which I am still feeling.

The TEAM is doing really well. Lots of participation. Lots of good questions and ideas. I really enjoy being around these folks. I am so glad that the season is here. I need the structure and obligations to keep my motivation up. I have not met anyone through TNT that I don't like. I don't know what the connection is, but it seems to draw a lot of really nice people.

I have learned through my participation these last three years that I have abilities that I thought were gone. I have been able to open myself up to new experiences, and take some chances. I have learned that by sharing the journey that others have been inspired by me. I am not as strong a person in all the ways I would really like to be, but I am not as bad as my own view of myself sometimes is. There is still a brighter light waiting to shine from somewhere deep down inside. That light breaks out from time to time, and especially during the season!

Thanks for your past support! I hope you can join me this year too! The fight is not done, and I have a lot more pedal cranks to go until blood cancer is a thing of the past. If you could help me this year by spreading my message to your personal networks to bring awareness, it would be greatly appreciated. You guys amaze me with your belief in a simple man with a goal no matter how crazy you may think I am for riding 100 miles in a day on a bicycle.

Recommitment is fast approaching on March 19, 2010. If you have not had a chance, please visit my fundraising site!
Season Totals: 5 hours on a spin bike, 1 core workout session much more fun ahead!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Finding My Way This Season

With the season underway, I am finding my way. The TEAM is coalescing quickly. The training sessions are more about getting seat time and building up tolerance in the hind quarters. The trainings will increase in difficulty to build the legs up.

I find that when I am away from the schedule of participating with a TEAM that I lose focus on what is important. I have more free time in my schedule, but I waste it. Time becomes tight during the season, with work commitments, family commitments, and TEAM obligations. I find that I am a better time manager in a crunch for some reason. This is counter intuitive to me as I like to think that I like to be prepared for things in advance.

Maybe it is being surrounded by old friends, and gaining new ones that lends clarity to my mind. This along with burning off any excess energy and troubling issues being set aside for training sessions. The body is weary, but the mind is thriving. I am more creative and attentive during the season.

I'm finding my way this season and so far enjoying it immensely!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let The Season Begin But Someone Is Missing

I am so happy that the season for TNT is kicking off finally. We had the kickoff party last Saturday, February 6, 2010!!!! Training starts tomorrow morning at the Southdale YMCA.

I am trying to get back into drinking water, water, and more water. Right now I am getting in about 64 - 96 ounces a day of free water. Staying hydrated is always key in keeping muscles from cramping and recovering. Not always the funnest thing to do, but necessary as my legs have not been getting as much spin time as necessary so the first couple of spin sessions will probably tax them a little bit.

I did challenge myself this week for the first time in a long time at the gym!!! I got in the pool and decided to see if I still had a mile in the tank. I started out real slow and steady, and after about 20 or 30 lengths, I got into a good steady rhythm and picked up a little speed. I am still not fast, but I was able to pull the 1800 yards in about 40 minutes. I was pretty stoked!!! Have been needing a challenge, and this fit the bill.

I am sorry to say that LLS and TNT lost a member of our family. Steve Berg, my co-mentor during 2008 passed away from a heart attack on February 1, 2010. Steve was one of those guys that just had a way of bringing out the best from those around him. He made my
job as a mentor easier because I knew that I had someone to bounce ideas off of and knew that I would get good feedback! Steve always was quick with a smile and a laugh. Steve always wore a green wig to have fun and encourage all those around him to have fun. He will be missed.