Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So Welcome To A New Year

I have not been writing as much. I have been working more than I should. I have taken somewhat of a hiatus from working out. I still get to the gym, but have not found that fire to push very hard. I have gone to Spin classes that last two Sunday's for 45 minutes of fun. I have enjoyed them. The legs are in good shape, it is the posterior that needs to be conditioned. It will come back, but oh so painful the day after.

I need to work out more. I need to do this because I have been crabby the last couple of days. When I work out, I don't have time to be crabby. I don't feel the need to be crabby. Thus I need to get to the gym and swim or spin. Done with the running for a bit. Proved to myself I can do it, but don't get a lot of return from it in the enjoyment column.

All in all life is good. I am worried about the economy. I am worried about my kids. Nothing wrong with them, but what kind of world will they grow up in? They both continue to thrive and do amazing things despite my bad influences. They truly are a gift. Amazing that I wished when they were really little that they would grow so I could talk to them and they would understand. Now, I long for the days when they were little and did not have a care in the world other than wanting the VCR to rewind faster. Yes, I said VCR there were alive before DVD was the most common electronic baby sitting device on the market.

I have been reading like mad lately. I have an iPhone and downloaded the Kindle App for it. I love it I have a book in my pocket at all times. I have been reading Lance Armstrong's books and am enjoying the hell out of them. Of course it has two things I care about, cycling and beating cancer. The cancer being the biggest issue. He is one amazing person.

Tomorrow night I am speaking at a TNT function to recruit others in to doing a TNT event. I only hope to be honest, and convincing enough to encourage others to take a chance. I know that I remember my first event meeting, and can vividly remember the feelings I had. I am amazed at the changes I have experienced because of a simple 3X5 postcard.

Well, I will be posting more frequently as I get into the season. I hope you find your way back again despite the hiatus I have taken lately. Happy 2010 a bit late.

1 comment:

Ms. R said...

Hey buddy! I'm just getting back into the S-B-R routine myself. Want to meet up at White Bear LTF sometime for a swim? I swim usually on Sundays. Let me know if you're interested. :) Happy New Year!