When you look at your average day, what do you experience? What are the high points, and what are the low? Every day has both. What determines whether they are high or low? In my opinion it falls down to my favorite; Perspective.
Perspective is by far one of the best gifts we are given as human beings. The old can teach the young, and the young can teach the old. It is a blessing and a curse wrapped in the same pretty paper. By this, I imagine that I mean any individual can grant you a window into what you should be experiencing at the same time they are.
My daughters accompanied my sister to her fifth out of six chemo appointments to treat her cancer. My ten and eight year old came home talking about a young boy who was not happy while they were there. I assumed automatically that it was another patients child who had accompanied them to their own treatment. By listening to my children, I was granted perspective.
The child was in Izzy's words in his "four or fives" , (a young person's perspective on age trying to relate to someone in their 20's or 30's). This young man was crying and not happy. I later learned in the conversation that he was the patient. He was under going chemo to fight his cancer.
My assumptions and my perspective were snapped into clarity. What do I have in my day to day life to complain about. I am nothing but a functional human being. I have had a remarkable life. Despite my lack of constant perspective. I am 38 and have two healthy children (Thank God)! I am not a strong man. I am not a good man. I am merely a man. It is through my children this day that I am granted perspective.
When life's daily activities cloud perspective, we must be diligent in listening to others for they will bring into focus what we should be paying attention to. I had a good day and accomplished what I needed to at work. Is this what I really was put here on earth to do? I think not. I was put here I hope to make a difference. What that difference is, I am not fully sure. I hope and I put my energy into making a difference in the fight against cancer. I hope to leave some mark on the earth that I was here. Be it through my endeavors or my children and their progeny.
I hope that when my girls are old enough to understand what I have written in this blog, that I will grant them perspective. Listen to others. Help where you can. Reflect on the day's lessons. They are there if you are open and willing to pay attention. Life is a circle, and well it is just plain interesting.
11 years ago