Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year And Still The Same Old Curmudgeon

I have been away for a while. It is not that I have not had anything to write about, only that I have been prepping for the triathlon and working. It is 2009 and I am still a curmudgeon. I am grumpy, I am cantankerous, and I am busy. None of this should surprise any of you. I have fallen into my age old fight against myself. I have been negative against myself while trying to contribute to the whole. I know that I am being way to hard on myself again, but this happens from time to time and I need to fight through it.

On the positive side, I am swimming regularly. I am spinning regularly, and now, I am starting to run regularly. Despite falling on my steps a couple of weeks ago, I have continued training. Someone with cancer, can't quit, and neither will I. Not that it is fun to sit on a bike saddle with a bruised tail bone, but shut up and bear it!

My sister continues to do well. The chemo is taking it's toll, but I am amazed at her resiliency!!! You are my hero! When days get tough for me, I know that they are nothing in comparison to what you are dealing with. I'm proud of you!

Jen and the girls are well. Despite my failings as a husband and a father, they are all doing remarkably well. E continues to succeed at the violin, and can actually read music. A language that makes no sense to me. Izzy continues to work hard in everything. She has resolve that goes beyond her small stature. Jenny as you all know probably deserves a Nobel prize for having to live and deal with yours truly.
I hope that the new year brings success to all of you in whatever you set your mind to accomplishing. It still astounds me to realize that when you commit to doing something, and put in the effort nothing can stand in your way. I am proof that no matter how flawed someone is, commitment and dedication will lead you on to your goal.
Farewell to 2008 and bring on 2009. Nobody knows what it will bring, but whatever it is, it will be an experience worth waiting for. I close with this thought:
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson
I have lived both, and still do on a daily basis, but the only thing missing in my mind from this quote is: "You have the choice every day to decide what your attitude will be! Will you make the wise choice and take the lessons offered today with the right attitude, or will you close yourself off and let part of yourself die? The choice is always yours!" Marc The Curmudgeon.

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