Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Small Steps Lead To An Incredible Journey

I will be honest and say that I have been struggling to find myself and my position on this years TEAM. The people are really nice and all have a common goal. I have felt like an outsider a couple of times this season, and then I stopped and thought about why.

I was not putting myself out there to engage others. I was letting my shyness get in the way of making new friends. I was comfortable with the familiar faces on the TEAM, but was a little standoffish with my new TEAMMATES. The problem was not that I was afraid of them, the problem was that I needed to initiate conversation and interaction to bring down my barriers and welcome them in.

I thought about how I was going to accomplish this during a couple of my individual run sessions. I decided that I would make a conscious effort to put myself out there. I would initiate conversations. I would do the extra work, and support anyone that was having a rough day. Even though I am not a mentor this year, I can still carry out with the mentor's mission of inclusion and support. If it takes another hill repeat to bring the last person in, I am going to go back down the hill and come back up with them. If it means that I have to run slower than I already do so nobody is left alone, I will do that. I have found over the last couple of weeks that this is helping me find my place and my position on the team.

I don't consider myself much of a problem solver. I don't consider myself very good at breaking the larger issues down to smaller more manageable tasks that amalgamate into a resolution to the whole. It's funny that I think those things, because in reality that is what my day to day job is all about. It's amazing when you take the small steps to accomplish a goal, that they lead you down the path to an incredible journey. Whether it is an issue at the office, or in your personal life, if you take the time to puzzle it out, build a plan, and work your plan, you will get to where you want to be.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Marc, I would have never thought you were sky, but after reading this I can see it. Keep on going!