Thursday, July 24, 2008

Double Duty Day.

I am beat! I left work early today, becuase I could not focus on anything after lunch. I was physically tired, but I knew a workout might revive me enough to finish the day off later this evening from home. Since my gym is on .5 miles from work, and I had a 17:00 CDT appointment with my trainer, I decided to go get my swim out of the way and then be ready for my weight training session.

The swim workout went well. It was not flawless, but one should not expect it to be after only three weeks. It is still improving, and I am thouroughly enjoying seeing the results in the pool, and physically. It is amazing how much tone you get out of swimming. My chest, shoulders, triceps, lats, and traps are starting to pop. We will see if I start to loose my neck if my traps continue to grow. When I played football, I did not have a neck, my traps extended from my ears to my shoulders.

I really focused in the pool. Funny how I could not focus at work anylonger, but a few laps in the pool brought me right back on task. I finished my swim training in about an hour to and hour and fifteen. This is the second swimming session, that I have not used a single breast stroke in the pool!!!! Bob told me that for the next few weeks, I am not allowed to use that stroke. So far, I have been able to avoid it. The comfort level is increasing with the freestyle. Awesome as this is why I am working on this so early. So far this week, 3000 yards in the pool!

I went back into the locker room. Showered, and put on my gym shorts, tennis shoes, and TNT shirt and headed up to meet my trainer. Tami is a riot. She likes to pick on me in a good way. She has trouble keeping count, so I have keep her honest. If she makes me do a few extra reps, it is not that big a deal, as the benefit is mine. I am not looking to bulk up at all. I only want to get lean and toned. I am not looking to get buff, only continue to loose my spare tire.

Tami proceeds to put me through a good work out. I am a little shaky in the legs, and I can feel my abs. I taught her a new trick for core work outs. We used the half ball, and tossed the medicine ball back and forth while rotating the torso, and squatting down then standing back up. I learned this one from Bob again. It is amazing how many little muscles fire off as you do this routine. I even got her to try it, and she liked it. It was fun to turn the tables if only for a few minutes.

Well, I need to got get something to eat. Log on to work, and finish out my day.

Don’t be frightened if things seem difficult in the beginning … the important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself. This ability to conquer oneself is no doubt the most precious of all the things sports bestows upon us. - Olga Korbut

This was double duty day it was difficult. It will pay results in the future.

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