Thursday, September 4, 2008

So.... I Made My Mile

I sit here and double blog tonight. The energy and excitement go to Kimmi & Rachel! I did something important today, but they deserve their own post. I am proud of what I accomplished, but I want your thoughts to point to them, not to me.

I set a goal to hit a mile in the pool in eight weeks, but with 1700 yards for my workout this week, I was so close that I had to push it. I have even been pushing the workout this week. I am supposed to take 45 seconds of rest between 100's of which I have six. Then when I start my 50's, I am supposed to rest 30 seconds between my ten. I am not patient. I am not able to rest that long! I have only been resting 15 seconds between 100's, and 10 between 50's. Sorry Bob!

Tonight, as I neared the end of my 50's, I was on my seventh, I decided that it was time to see what was in the tank. I made myself swim 300 yards without a break. That means that I did my eighth and ninth fifty together. I did my tenth and cool down drill together, and my slow freestyle and an extra fifty to make a mile for the workout.

I am happy! I did the whole thing in 49 minutes. I will work on speed, but I am happy! I had more in the tank, but needed to get home to get the girls to soccer.

I am not sure what my next goal is, but I can tell you there will be another. I can't believe that this is me! I am below 300 lbs again. Actually 297 and change. I am definitely putting on muscle and changing shape. I am still round, but I am changing the amount of roundness. I say that with a gleam in my eye, and a smile.

I have to be honest; my first thought when I got done in the pool was: "A mile in the pool, just became my bitch!" maybe I will shoot for two miles. I don't know yet. I will keep you posted. Maybe it is a mile and a long bike ride. The possibilities are limitless.

I leave you with this thought. Send your energy to Kimmi and Rachel on Sunday. You may not know them, but they have both given energy to me. They both have encouraged me. They have both stepped out on a limb to chase a dream. They are both deserving. They are amazing. My accomplishment is small in comparison to what they will do!

Thanks for sharing the ride.


Ms. R said...

WOOHOO!! Congrats on conquering the mile AND having some left in the tank! You're a machine! Thank you SO MUCH for all the positive vibes you're sending our way. Wish you were here.


KB said...
